What’s conveyed between the lines?

We share small and large conversations with our family, friends and our customers everyday. A few years back, I had an interesting conversation with a local contractor and ended up with a new story to share. I needed some work done on a little house project and called...

How do you measure a story?

How do you measure a story? Do you measure it in time told or the number of words that are fixed upon the page? In the meaning found in the moment? In feelings of warmth or discontent? Have you ever listened to a story and wished you were in any place other than where...

The noisy man

This story is on my mind because I’ve encountered noisy people in my life, but the truth is I can be rather noisy! There is a gift in noise if we listen for it. I found such a gift in the noise my stomach was making this afternoon. A noise that felt like panic...